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Monday, April 22, 2013

Public Art Treasure Hunt for Indira Johnson's Buddha Heads

This weekend we found three of the nine Buddha heads that will be installed in Evanston as part of the 10,000 Ripples public art project by Indira Johnson (see project description below). Soon all nine will be installed and we are determined to find them all!

This one was decorated by some very enthusiastic kids at Grey Park as part of the One Community event. I'll post more photos in a bit.

The Buddha head above is across from Edzo's Burgers on Orrington. I never drive North on Orrington so I would only discover it walking. Very cool placement.

This Buddha head is sunk below street level by the duck pond and you only see it if you walk down to the water. Sneaky!

We will post images of all nine as we discover them!

Click here to learn more about this very cool public art project.

Ten Thousand Ripples (TTR) is a collaborative public art, civic engagement and peace project. It uses art as a catalyst to foster dialogue about peace and non-violence and create innovative solutions to address contemporary social issues. Through TTR, artists, neighborhood leaders, and residents are at the heart of community-driven planning and public involvement efforts. At the center of TTR are 100 fiberglass and resin Buddha sculptures designed by Indira Johnson and installed in sites in 10 Chicago area neighborhoods. The locations are chosen by stakeholders in each community who are also planning and implementing related artistic programming.


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  1. There is one by the Northwestern Arch.

  2. Thanks Jeff! That's 4 locations, 6 more to go. Happy Buddha head hunting.

  3. I know where two more are, but I'm not telling. You're have to travel the far reaches of Evanston.

  4. I know of 3 more!
    1) At Curt's Cafe' across the street from Coldwell Banker

    2)Mt. Trashmore

    3) There is one by Green Bay Rd.

    THAT MAKES 6!!!

  5. Another in the park at ridge and main.
